Vstal som ešte za svitania, zbalil stan a vydal sa na cestu. Chladný ranný vietor ma rýchlo prebral z neprebudeného oťapenia. Podľa predpovede som mal hodinu náskok pred silným lejakom, ktorý sa blížil od mora a mal počas dňa ovládnuť celé ostrovy. Mal som jedinú možnosť. Byť rýchlejší. Na dážď som síce vybavený a, Read More
Ešte sa celkom nerozbrieždilo, keď sa v kuríne, v stajni, dielni, aj kúpeľni rozkikiríkali kohúty. Farmár sa s dvoma foxteriérmi vybral na prechádzku, aby povyberal poplatok za prenocovanie. Vystrčil som nos zo stanu a vyrochnil sa zo spacáka do mrazivého rána. Okolo mňa sa pomalými zombie-pohybmi plížili ospalí turisti, väčšina sa už balila na, Read More
Very sleepy in the early morning I packed my tent and set off. Cold morning wind finally woke me up as I gained some speed. According to the weather forecast, I was chased by heavy rain approaching from the west about one hour away from my position. There was the only way… to be faster than the rain. I was well equipped to face bad weather, but still… riding 300 miles in rain is not what one desires.
Keď ide o poznávanie, cestovanie, dobrodružstvo, tak mám sklony ísť až na hranicu svojich možností… a ešte kúsok ďalej. Inak si neviem vysvetliť, prečo som si v ten piatkový večer nakreslil na mapu čiaru dlhú niečo cez 500 km a rozhodol sa túto cestu absolvovať za jediný deň … a samozrejme ako vždy na Vespe, po bočných, Read More
With the first morning light every rooster on the farm started crowing loudly and woke up pretty much everyone in the campsite. The farmer with two fox terriers went for a walk and collected overnight fee of £5 per tent. It was chilly outside as people started their morning zombie-walk towards bathroom. Most of them were getting ready for an all-day hike. In the pink light of the early sun, I looked around the world where I got last night. The world of eternal myths, odd creatures and legends older than the Earth itself…
I know very well, where the most scenic routes in UK are hidden. A4086 in the heart of Snowdonia is the winner of all the big charts. But from London, it is a bit too far for a small scooter riding on the backroads. Almost 300 miles. Can I really make it that far? I wasn’t sure about that. But I decided to give it a try. I planned my journey carefully to avoid busy roads and set off early in the morning. I thought it could be my first little epic ride, but somewhere I had some doubts… didn’t I overestimated my limits now?