For 50 nights, the sun hasn’t disappeared below horizon. Even last night, it was still sliding just above the water surface and shining through the branches of pine trees. But further south I get, lower the sun goes, and inevitably there will be one night, when it’ll fall down too deep below the roots in the earth and all that will be left will be torturing darkness. It was one beautiful polar day, with no worries of evenings, with no burden of nights and all the problems connected with them such as cold, gloom and the necessity of hiding in any kind of accommodation. Now, I will have to learn to live with darkness…
50 nocí nezapadlo slnko. Ešte včera sa pomaly kĺzalo nocou nad vodou a po kúskoch presvitalo pomedzi borovice. Ale čím ďalej od severu, tým klesá nižšie, až raz nevyhnutne príde noc, keď zapadne príliš hlboko pod korene v zemi a zostane len tma, aby trápila. Bol to jeden krásny polárny deň, bez strachu z, Read More
They degraded love to sex and friendship to a Facebook like. Look for your happiness in an instant world, buy yourself something, feel the happiness. Chase away feeling of hunger, stink and loneliness, look for feelings of comfort, softness and security… it is all about feelings, feelings superior to emotions. Today, I chose to, Read More
Ponížili lásku na sex a priateľstvo na fejsbukový lajk. Hľadaj šťastie v instantnom svete, kúp si niečo, zaži pocit šťastia. Zažeň pocit hladu, smradu, samoty, hľadaj pocit pohodlia, mäkka a istoty,… pocity, pocity, nadradené nad city. Dnes som si vybral byť tu pri jazere bez ničoho a sám. Je ticho, hladina je veľké zrkadlo, Read More