People change at night. From educated lawyers and consultants, sensitive artists and even from careless bankers, all that’s left are dark silhouettes of tired corpses with senses so weak, they can’t see the far corner of the street, not even with the help of streetlights. And they get weaker on the inside, too. They’d like to be hugging with someone in the their beds and those who are left alone are falling into depressions from loneliness. Allmighty humans… plain darkness is laughing at your vulnerability. All this I didn’t experience during my 6 weeks of polar day. But now, the ferry left me in the middle of deep dark night in an unknown city, I can’t see much and more than during the day I am taken by the fact that there’s no one waiting for me…
Ľudia sa v noci zmenia. Zo vševedomých právnikov a konzultantov, z citlivých umelcov i z ľahkomyselných bankárov zostanú len šedé siluety unavených tiel so zmyslami tak slabými, že nedovidia na koniec ulice ani za pomoci pouličných lámp. Aj vnútri zoslabnú. Majú chuť sa na niekoho namačkať v posteli a tí čo sa nemajú na, Read More