Tomáš Gríger (33) z Handlovej, 3D grafik, fotograf a občasný dobrodruh. Na tejto stránke uverejňujem fotografie zo svojich ciest prepletené zážitkami, príbehmi a myšlienkami. Mojim najvernejším dopravným prostriedkom je červený skúter, talianska Vespa menom Malina. Tempo mám pomalé, smer určuje počasie, osud, alebo náhoda. Moje príbehy sa tiahnu naprieč Európou od horúcich pobreží Stredomoria po polnočné slnko chladného Arktiku.
Možno tak trochu príliš červená pre tento svet. A možno aj vďaka nej bude farebnejší. Prišla s jarou a doniesla so sebou malinový pocit slobody. Opustené cesty, skoré rána a spánok pod holým nebom, platonické úniky z pazúrov veľkomesta. Read More
Perhaps she is a bit too red for this world. And maybe thanks to her it’ll be more colourful. She came with spring and brough with her sense of freedom. Abandoned roads, early mornings and nights under open skies, platonic escapes from the claws of the city.
(Originally written in April 2009 for SME Blog, tweaked and translated into English in March 2011.)
This year long and dark winter settled down upon the world…
…too many dreams I’ve seen to fall at the forefront of recession…
…choking clouds covered the colours, only darkness was left on my photographs…
…I felt that this is the time to end. Put the camera down, go back and blend with the ordinary world of comfortable securities…
…I felt stuck in a black world without big dreams or little happiness…
…if I only could run away for one moment, somewhere where the sun shines, horses gallop free…
…but I’ve learned the secrets of this city and the opportunities it can offer…
…and so I decided in the middle of winter that with the arrival of spring, I’ll fulfill an old dream…
…suddenly, in all the confusion of this city, I began to see random sparks of hapiness…
…I started to take pictures again…
…with screaming the colours came back and with them the new spring…
…and while the city rebelled against the world…
…I was already far away from all this…
…there, where the sun was shining and horses gallop free…
…I broke my piggy bank…
…and exchanged it for Malina…
…brand new Vespa GTS 125cc Red Dragon…
…very quickly kilometre numbers were growing…
…the grey city world became colourful…
…and this is how the journey started.
In March 2009.
Mnohí o tom nepochybujú, veď je to dokonca učivo na základných školách, a to nie len u nás, ale aj v ďalších krajinách po celom svete. Do učebníc Zemepisu sa predsa nemôžu dostať len tak nejaké výmysly, no nie? Ale čo ak vám poviem, že táto informácia ohúrila svet už v roku 1938? Ktože len videl Čínsky múr z vesmíru o 23 rokov skôr než sa vôbec prvý úspešný let do vesmíru konal? Nedali sa naše múdre učebnice oklamať senzačnou nepravdivou legendou? Read More